Liam Grundy’s Musical Shed!

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Well it’s been a while since I did a blog, so do forgive me. Quite a few things went on hold and some other things went ahead, so it was quite a strange time!

I hope all the events of the last few weeks have not been too awful for everyone, but we know it has been quite grim and here’s hoping we can get back to some normality soon. I have now resumed work on the new album which is tentatively entitled ‘Chorlton’ and we should be completing it soon - more news when I get it.

However there IS news about my new Radio Show! It’s happening every week!
The show is called ‘Liam Grundy’s Musical Shed’ and goes out every Monday at 19.00 (BST UK).
It’s on - BROOKLANDS RADIO. Please take a listen!

You can also listen to all the shows at any time here! - GET IN THE SHED
We’re on the Tune-In app, and Brooklands Radio have their own app too!
Please Follow or Like the show if you can, it will help make it a successs. I’m having a great time doing it, and the listeners seem to like it too!

Join Us!
Twitter: @musicalshed
Instagram: @musicalshed
Facebook The Musical Shed

I’ve been quite busy producing music for a couple of shows too, which will be aired on BBC Radio 4 so I’ll alert you to them when they’re scheduled.
Until Then Tune into:

Merchandise, CDs and Downloads

And please subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you get the chance!

Click icon below to join my Facebook Page at:`

Click icon below to follow me on instagram @liamegrundy

See You Next Time!
